Monday, August 11, 2014

Church Leadership Now!

Current leadership points being expressed today:

Five Reasons Why Video Training is at an Inflection Point

Thom Rainer is talking about the expected upsurge in video training for churches. Amazon's Kindle Fire, Netflix, and Youtube are causing the demand for this because church folks are more used to getting their information via TV and mobile devices.

21 Signs Your Church Needs to Change

Carey Nieuwhof is seeking to change the church by shaking it up with controversial statements and confrontational thinking. Carey always supplies great talking points for church leaders and teams to ponder and discuss. His current post is about avoiding closure which is a major issue for many churches today.

How to Use Conflict to Your Advantage at Work

John Maxwell recommends a blog about conflict at work from the Fast Company people. Church leaders and church teams could do with this sound advice.

Which Comes First: The Text or The Theme

Over at his blog, Blogging Theologically, Aaron Armstrong ponders over the age old question with regard to sermons: should the Bible text initiate the writing of a sermon, or should a chosen theme shape it first?

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